I am a self-employed IT professional and author of computer books. I enjoy "hands-on" projects the most, working as a software developer, but I also have experience as a system architect, analyst, designer and consultant.
I spend some of my time working on problems in theoretical physics. I published several papers in leading journals, collaborating with researchers from notable institutions such as NASA JPL.
I grew up in Hungary but moved to Ottawa, Canada in 1987, where I live with my wife Ildikó.
A reasonably up-to-date version of my resume provides an overview of my professional activities. I also maintain professional profiles on LinkedIn, ResearchGate and Academia.edu, and a personal profile on Facebook. I am also a regular contributor on Quora, (see also my Quora Blog) where I have been named a "Top Writer", with several of my answers published by Forbes, the Huffington Post, MSN, and other news media outlets.
Also see my academic profiles at orcid.org and researcherid.com, and my brief bio at Carleton University's Center for Research on Integrated Sensors Platforms.
If you have any comments on the contents of this Web page or if you would like more information on anything contained within, please contact me by Internet e-mail at vttoth*@*vttoth.com.
You may also be able to send mail to my gmail address; just replace the domain name with gmail.com in the address above. Keep in mind that I don't necessarily check my gmail account every day.
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