Here is a selection of links that I found particularly interesting or useful. Note that some of the links may be dead as I do not verify their availability regularly.
Aerial Reconnaissance Archives
These archives at evidenceincamera hold millions of WWII reconnaissance photographs
The etymology and history of first names
75 years of history
The free classical catalogue
An amazing map collection that includes many historical maps
Jurgen Gothe's daily program is was my favorite radio show on CBC Stereo Radio 2
The German Armed Forces 1919-1945
Gwendolyn Best is known, among other things, for her paintings of Parliament Hill cats.
The Public's Library and Digital Archive
Home of "The Future We Were Promised", an exhibition of the work of A. C. Radebaugh
By musipedia
The author of Gormenghast
Stanford geospatial model of ancient Rome
If you have a good sound card or better yet, external MIDI equipment, this is the place to go for MIDI files
The Cold War International History Project
Where else would you find details about even the most obscure of movies, such as the 1965 Hungarian classic, A Tizedes meg a Többiek?
The Internet Underground Music Archive
This archive is not the place where you find pirated MP3 files
The National Film Board of Canada
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
David Crummings insurance for travelers to Canada
Explanation of IRS W-8BEN form for Canadians
Ottawa airport flight information
Québec Government Office in Houston
A dying breed: an independently operated neighborhood bookstore.
Handmade bespoke suits from Dubai, ordered online.
Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation
Strobe Data legacy 16-bit systems, home of the Wayback Machine
Chaos Manor Reviews by Jerry Pournelle
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Floating point to hex conversion, single and double precision
IBM PC XENIX (and other) emulation
IEEE-754 Floating Point Converter
Leaflet - open-source JavaScript library for maps
A decent Web site, commercial, but with some genuinely useful advice and well-written articles about online security.
QNX 6.5.0 Software Development Platform
The GNU Emacs LISP Reference Manual
The official Bluetooth® technology Web site
WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to the preservation and sharing of vintage, abandoned, and pre-release software, as well as any and all knowledge associated with such works.
Resources related to the 2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic.
91-DIVOC - Let's flip the script on COVID-19 and build fantastic things!
Canada daily epidemiological summary
Coronavirus latest - Financial Times
COVID-19 in the US and Canada - Real Time Updates
Foreign Affairs free coronavirus coverage
Genomic epidemiology of novel coronavirus
Global Public Health Intelligence Network
Government of Canada Coronavirus Update
Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand
Research report -- Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team
Infection rate trajectories from Visual Capitalist
Institute for Health Metric and Evaluation - COVID-19 Projections
John Hopkins University's Coronavirus Resource Center
Ottawa COVID-19 wastewater testing
Raw Canadian data from Wikipedia
The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2
Research correspondence -- Andersen et al, Nature Medicine, March 17, 2020
The Washington Post's simulation of how COVID-19 spreads
Translation: DNA to mRNA to Protein
Understanding the risk of bat coronavirus emergence (NIH grant R01AI110964)
Vaccination tracker - global (Bloomberg)
Electronic Products and Technology
Innovative Electronics & Computing
LCDproc Linux LCD display driver
Switching power supply repair FAQ
Actual small countries and enclaves
Delphion searchable collection of US and European patents
GlobalSpec searchable database of technical products
Human Rights Reports by the United States Department of State
NationMaster country statistics
NORC street view for Central Europe
United Nations Security Council Resolutions
USPTO searchable patent database
WIPO's global collection of searchable data
Alexa: the Web information company
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
HTML and DHTML Reference (MSDN)
LASEC security and cryptography laboratory
MarketLeap search engine marketing tools
Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
Lowertown Community Association
Mobile bicycle repair ship with online booking.
St-Joseph Family Medicine Clinic
Temporary bus maps during Ottawa trucker occupation
A szó elszáll, az írás megmarad... kivéve az Interneten, ahol linkek, honlapok jönnek-mennek, s a fene tudja naprakészen tartani a linkgyűjteményét. Az alábbi linkeket utoljára 2011 november 27-én frissítettem; ami azt jelenti, hogy egy részük 2011 november 28-ra valószínűleg elavulttá válik. A linkek mellé itt egy rövid, mindössze kétoldalas angol nyelvtani puska, melyet eredetileg anyámnak készítettem.
Az egy virtuális könyvtár, benne számos 70-es évekbeli elektronikai témájú könyvvel, folyóirattal, s egy humoros írásgyűjteménnyel mely Szatmári Feri barátomnak is becsületére vált volna.
Az a hely, ahol kb. 9 hónapig katona voltam 1981-82-ben.
Magyar nyelvű online TV állomások. - ínyencfalatok
Az egyik legjobb magyar nyelvű Web folyóirat, mely utódjának számít a hajdan méltán nagyhírű iNteRNeTTo-nak.
Az elektronikus Kanadai Magyar Hírlapot Ottawában szerkesztik.
Íme egy igen tiszteletreméltó kezdeményezés: az adatbázis egyebek között Csontváry néhány általam nagyon szeretett képét is tartalmazza.
(Tótfalusi István)
Magyar Köztársaság ottawai nagykövetsége
Volt egyszer, hol nem volt, egy Magyarország Fórum; a hajdan világelső szolgáltató CompuServe magyar előfizetőinek a találkozóhelye. Önkéntes "sysop"-ként segítettem a fórum vezetésében mindaddig, amíg a már megszokott módon, bejelentés nélkül megszüntették a fórumot 2002 februárjában. Ezután csak egy eldugott sarok maradt a CompuServe kevés magyar előfizetője számára: egy magyar szekció a BELGIUM fórumban. (Ugyan egy magyar szekció még létezett a European Forumban is, de gazdátlanul, s nulla forgalommal.) De ez már mind a múlté; a CompuServe csak halvány árnyéka hajdani önmagának, s a hajdani színvonalas, tartalmas fórumok rég eltűntek. Viszont lett helyette más; pl. a nemrég figyelmembe ajánlott, számos fórumával.
Nemzeti Audio Vizuális Archívum (NAVA)
Számomra nosztalgia, budapestieknek naprakész információ a Villamos honlap.
Compass Games (lamps are going out)
My favorite salami.
Index Librorum Liberorum (Fourmilab)
Pliny the Elder's Natural History
The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers
Web sites that I own and operate.
Tallying the cats Prime Minister Stephen Harper has to adopt to atone for his government's sins. Formerly on, now archived. is the Web site of our condominium corporation, which I set up and maintain.
MUD: Multi-User Dungeon (British Legends)
British Legends (also known as MUD1) is the oldest "Multi-User Dungeon" in existence. After its demise on CompuServe, I brought the game back to life in what the original author described as a "marathon programming binge", writing over 14,000 lines of original C++ code in less than two weeks.
MUD2 (Multi-User Dungeon version 2)
MUD2 (Multi-User Dungeon version 2) is the "modern" version of the same game, that I have been running under license for several years now.
RSKEY.ORG - A museum of portable programmable calculators
RSKEY.ORG is an online "museum" devoted to the past (and present, and future) of portable programmable calculators. -- The Solar Gravitational Lens mission
A Web site showcasing our work on the Solar Gravitational Lens, and offering details on a possible future mission to the Solar Gravitational Lens focal region. Formerly on, now archived.
Spinor Info: A web log about physics and other things
Spinor Info is where I keep my blog. I used to call my blog my Day Book (a term I borrowed from Jerry Pournelle). I still like Day Book better, but now that I use off-the-shelf blogging software, my entries are no longer organized by day; so I told myself to relax and be comfortable with the fact that language, like other things, changes constantly. After all, it wasn't that long ago that the word "computer" described a well-respected profession...
Nate Silver's site about statistical predictions.
Fresh Plaza - media platform for the fresh produce industry
Numbeo cost of living country rankings
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
News site of Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust.
The Onion: America's Finest News Source
Contains archived cover pages of many Canadian newspapers.
Tracking deregulation in the Trump era (Brookings Institute)
Weather Radar for Eastern Ontario
What The Fuck Just Happened Today?
Today's essential newsletter. Logging the daily shock and awe in national politics. Read in moderation.
Bernard Parisse, author of a free CAS and the CAS of the HP-49G
DojoCampus: Dojo Documentation
EPICS: Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System
Inform: a design system for interactive fiction
Java Platform SE 1.3.1 API documentation
Java, JavaScript, & Ajax Programming Documentation
LaTeX – A document preparation system
LaTeX Reference from the University of Oxford
Veterinary and pet-related sites
Adaptec: SCSI adapters, CD recording software
Andromeda Research: EPROM burners
ATI: Maker of the All-In-Wonder graphics card with built-in TV-tuner
B+K Precision: test instruments
Creative Labs: SoundBlaster sound cards
CRU: DataPorts, removable drive enclosures
Hewlett-Packard: Calculators, CD-R drives, printers
IOmega: Removable cartridge drives
National Instruments: data acquisition
PROLINK Microsystems Corporation
Quantum: Hard disks, automated warranty verification
Samsung consumer storage support tools
Seagate: Hard disks, automated warranty verification and RMA request
and their developer blog and product blog.
SuperMicro: High-end motherboards
bSquare: formerly developed a USB driver for NT
Microsoft Office product support lifecycle
Microsoft Safety & Security Center
A Dictionary of Units of Measurement
Originally at
A Patent Claim Analysis Tool by Greg Aharonian
Bayes++ Bayesian filtering classes for C++
Beall’s list of predatory journals and publishers
A regularly updated version of Beall's list of predatory scientific publishers.
Everyday exploration of chemical compounds
Dr. James B. Calvert's wonderful pages just about everything scientific or technical
Electric Stuff by Mike Harrison
EqWorld: The World of Mathematical Equations
Floating point to hex conversion, single and double precision
Heavens Above - no, not that kind of Heaven!
Heisenberg and the Uncertainty Principle
How to choose a telescope? From Sky and Telescope.
Indian Space Research Organisation
International Climate Science Coalition
ISAS is Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data
List of Potentially Predatory Journals by Jeffrey Beall
Master List of Logical Fallacies
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
Metabolic pathways (posters) by Roche
N-Body simulation code by Sverre Aarseth
NASA 'eyes' (DSN real time information)
NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
NASA National Space Science Data Center
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Nuclides chart from Brookhaven National Laboratory
PhysLink contains useful physics and astronomy resources
Produce your own physical chips
String Theory: The "Official" Web Site
Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
The Approximate Position of the Moon
The Astronomy Picture of the Day
The Canadian Mathematical Society
The Electronic Library of Mathematics
The Interactive Geometric Database includes exact solutions of Einstein's equations
The Invariant Classification Database: known exact solutions to Einstein's equation
The Landover Baptist Church is a premier resource on creation science and bible studies
The purpose of the nLab is to provide a public place where people can make notes about stuff. The purpose is not to make polished expositions of material; that is a happy by-product.
The PALEOMAR Project shows what prehistoric Earth looked like
The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Ring and Division Algebra FAQ
Everything you ever wanted to know about Search Engines.
Back in the good old days before the Internet, datasheets for electronic components were hard to come by. Today, most manufacturers post complete product specs on their Web site. Here is a list of some I am familiar with.
Babcock Inc manufactures, among other things, gas discharge displays! Russian semiconductors
Harris Semiconductor (Intersil Communications)
M/A-COM: RF, microwave and millimeter wave products
Manufacturer Logos at
Maxim Integrated Products (Dallas Semiconductor)
Microchip Technology Inc: Microcontrollers and more
Optek: Optoelectronic and magnetic devices
Schneider Electric (Magnecraft & Struthers-Dunn Relays)
Apollo Guidance Computer simulation
A JavaScript simulator of the Apollo Guidance Computer.