Some of my answers on Quora were featured online by Forbes Magazine, The Huffington PostApple News and other media outlets. I also wrote a couple of articles for non-peer reviewed magazines:

  1. On Modified Gravity, Viktor T. Toth, invited Letter to the Editor in Inference: International Review of Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2021, DOI: 10.37282/991819.21.12
  2. A rádiójelekbe merülő világ (The world swallowed by radio waves -- in Hungarian), L. Viktor Toth and Viktor T. Toth, Élet és Tudomány 2020/43, pp. 1360-1362.
  3. What is Dark Matter, Apple News, July 1, 2019; also as What Is Dark Energy, Forbes Tech, July 9, 2019
  4. Have We Ever Explored a Black Hole? This Answer Will Surprise You, Apple News, April 1, 2019; also as What Would It Take To Send A Probe All The Way To A Black Hole?, Forbes Tech, April 26, 2019
  5. Why Has More Than One Person Solved Einstein's Equations?, Mental Floss, March 13, 2019
  6. Why Is The Andromeda Galaxy Moving Towards Us If The Universe Is Expanding?, Forbes Tech, February 21, 2019; also as How Is the Andromeda Galaxy Moving Towards Us If the Universe Is Expanding?, Apple News, March 20, 2019
  7. How Many Light Years Away From the Sun Are We?, Mental Floss, February 6, 2019
  8. When And How Will Our Sun Eventually Die?, Forbes Tech, January 9, 2019; also as Will the Sun Ever Stop Shining?, Apple News, January 14, 2019 and as Will the Sun Ever Stop Shining?, Mental Floss, January 14, 2019
  9. Does Sound Travel Faster or Slower in Space?, Mental Floss, October 22, 2018
  10. Why Is The Big Bang Theory Taught If It's Just A Theory?, Forbes Tech, October 11, 2018
  11. In The Distant Future, All Black Holes In The Universe Will Share The Same Fate, Forbes Tech, September 28, 2018; also as What Is the Life Span of a Black Hole?, Apple News, October 19, 2018
  12. Could A City-Destroying Asteroid Ever Hit Earth Without Being Detected?, Forbes Tech, September 13, 2018; also as Could a Comet Hit Earth Without Detection?, Apple News, September 13, 2018
  13. How Do We Verify Facts About Black Holes?, Forbes Tech, August 14, 2018; also as How Do We Know That Black Holes Exist?, Apple News, August 25, 2018
  14. Does Anything Other Than Light Travel At The Speed Of Light?, Forbes Tech, July 2, 2018; also as Does Anything Travel Faster Than Light?, Apple News, July 6, 2018
  15. Will There Ever Be Cell Phones That Don't Emit Radiation?, Forbes Tech, June 8, 2018; also as Will There Ever Be Cell Phones That Don't Emit Radiation?, Apple News, June 12, 2018
  16. How Do We Know The Universe Is Infinite?, Forbes Tech, May 23, 2018; also as Is the Universe Infinite?, Apple News, May 23, 2018
  17. What Does It Mean When Particles Are 'Entangled'?, Forbes Tech, April 10, 2018; also as A Simple Explanation of Quantum Entanglement, Apple News, April 18, 2018
  18. Will Quantum Physics Ever Replace the Theory of Relativity?, Apple News, February 28, 2018
  19. What's Wrong With Newtonian Gravity?, Forbes Tech, February 8, 2018; also as Why Aren't Newtonian Gravity and General Relativity Compatible?, Apple News, February 8, 2018
  20. Why Are Hydrogen And Helium The Most Abundant Elements In The Universe?, Forbes Tech, January 29, 2018; also as Why Are Hydrogen and Helium the Most Abundant Elements?, Apple News, January 31, 2018; and as Pourquoi l'hydrogène et l'hélium sont-ils les éléments les plus communs de l'Univers?, Slate FR, January 12, 2019
  21. How Accurate Is the Term ‘Theory of Everything’ in Physics?, Huffington Post, January 10, 2018; also as What Does The 'Theory Of Everything' Really Mean In Physics?, Forbes Tech, January 10, 2018
  22. How Do We Know There Are Black Holes?, Huffington Post, January 3, 2018; also as Are There Any Gaps In Black Hole Theory?, Forbes Tech, January 8, 2018; and as How Do We Know That Black Holes Are Really Real?, Apple News, January 27, 2018
  23. What’s Missing From the Big Bang Theory?, Huffington Post, December 22, 2017; also as Is The Big Bang Theory Incomplete?, Forbes Tech, December 26, 2017; and as What's Missing From the Big Bang Theory?, Apple News, January 25, 2018
  24. How Do Quantum Fields Relate to the Way We Experience Everyday Life?, Apple News, December 19, 2017; also as What Is A Quantum Field, And How Does It Interact With Matter?, Forbes Tech, December 20, 2017; and as Think Quantum Fields Are Confusing? They’re What We’re Accustomed to Calling Matter, Huffington Post, December 20, 2017
  25. How Cold Is Outer Space?, Forbes Tech, November 30, 2017; also as Exactly How Cold Is Space?, Huffington Post, November 29, 2017
  26. Does Time Really Exist? According To Physics, That's The Wrong Question Entirely, Forbes Tech, November 28, 2017; also as Does Modern Physics Prove That Time is An Illusion?, Huffington Post, November 28, 2017
  27. Why Are Photons Considered Particles?, Forbes Tech, November 14, 2017; also as Are Photons Particles or Electromagnetic Waves? How Can They Be Both?, Huffington Post, November 14, 2017
  28. Do Seemingly Unsolvable Science Questions Point to a Supernatural Force?, Huffington Post, October 26, 2017; also as What We Know (And Don't Know) About The Very Beginning Of The Universe, Forbes Tech, November 3, 2017
  29. How Does a Gaseous Sun Have Gravitational Pull on Solid Planets?, Huffington Post, October 9, 2017; also as The Sun Is Not Solid But Its Gravitational Pull On Earth Is Unaffected, Here's Why, Forbes Tech, October 10, 2017; and as How Does the Sun Have Gravitational Pull on Planets When It Is All Gas?, Apple News, January 20, 2018
  30. What Existed Before the Big Bang?, Huffington Post, October 4, 2017; also in Forbes Tech online, October 5, 2017; and as What Was There Before the Big Bang?, Apple News, April 23, 2018
  31. Would The Universe Still Exist If No Life Existed To Observe It?, Forbes Tech online, September 25, 2017; also as Would the Universe Exist If There Was No One to Observe It?, Huffington Post, September 25, 2017; and as Would the Universe Exist If We Didn't Observe It?, Apple News, January 13, 2018
  32. What Causes Cosmic Voids?, Forbes Tech online, September 12, 2017; also as Why is There So Much Empty Space in Space?, Huffington Post, September 13, 2017; also as What Causes Cosmic Voids?, Apple News, January 4, 2018
  33. Does The Universe Have Physical Boundaries?, Forbes Tech online, August 29, 2017; also as Does the Universe Have Physical Boundaries?, Huffington Post, August 30, 2017; and as Does the Universe Have Observable Boundaries?, Apple News, December 16, 2017
  34. Theoretical Physics Is More Important To Everyday Life Than Most People Think, Forbes Tech online, July 19, 2017; also as Why Should Normal People Bother Learning About Theoretical Physics?, Huffington Post, July 20, 2017; and as Modern Life's Practicalities Are Built on a Foundation of Theoretical Physics, Apple News, August 16, 2017
  35. Is There Anything That Can Travel Faster Than Light?, Forbes Tech online, July 13, 2017; also as Why Can't Anything Move Faster Than the Speed of Light?, Huffington Post, July 11, 2017; and as Is It True That Nothing is Faster Than Light?, Apple News, August 8, 2017
  36. Why Does Our Sun – a White Star – Appear to Be Orange?, Huffington Post, June 26, 2017; also as Our Sun Is A White Star, So Why Does It Appear Orange?, Forbes Tech online, June 27, 2017; as What Makes the Sun Appear Orange?, Apple News, July 3, 2017; as Why Does the Sun Appear Orange, Mental Floss, July 7, 2017; and as Why Does the Sun Appear Orange, MSN, July 7, 2017
  37. Why Nuclear Reactor Meltdowns Create Radiation That Lasts For Centuries, Forbes Tech online, June 21, 2017; also as Nuclear Bombs and Nuclear Reactor Meltdowns Affect the Environment in Very Different Ways, Huffington Post, June 22, 2017
  38. If Time Freezes At The Edge Of A Black Hole, Could Someone Theoretically Live Forever?, Forbes Tech online, May 25, 2017; also as Is it Possible to Live Forever at the Edge of a Black Hole? Huffington Post, May 31, 2017; and as Since Time Freezes at the Edge of a Black Hole, Could You Live Forever There?, Apple News, June 4, 2017
  39. The Marriage Of Einstein's Theory Of Relativity And Quantum Physics Depends On The Pull Of Gravity, Forbes Tech online, May 17, 2017; also as Can Quantum Physics and Relativity Co-Exist?, Huffington Post, May 18, 2017; and as The Ongoing Conflict Between Einstein's Relativity and Quantum Physics, Apple News, May 23, 2017
  40. Why Do General Relativity And Quantum Mechanics Need To Be Unified?, Forbes Tech online, April 13, 2017; also as Why Is It Important to Reconcile Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity?, Huffington Post, April 14, 2017
  41. A History Of The Scientific Understanding Of Heat, Forbes Tech online, March 31, 2017; also as The Scientific Theory That Failed Combustion Engine Advancement, Huffington Post, April 3, 2017
  42. Will The Sun Become A Black Hole When It Dies?, Forbes Tech online, March 20, 2017; also Huffington Post, March 21, 2017
  43. Why Is the Speed Of Light Considered The Cosmic Speed Limit?, Forbes Tech online, March 13, 2017
  44. Why Can't Scientists Find Planet 9?, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, January 31, 2017
  45. If Energy Can't Be Created Or Destroyed, Why Can We Use It?, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, January 4, 2017
  46. How Astronomers 'See' Cosmic Events From 12 Billion Years Ago, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, December 27, 2016
  47. Why Einstein's elegant theory of relativity has stood the test of time, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, December 2, 2016
  48. Nobody has proved Einstein wrong about relativity, but people are still trying, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, November 30, 2016
  49. Is theoretical physics a waste of resources?, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, September 14, 2016
  50. Are we alone in the Universe?, Viktor T. Toth, Forbes Tech online, July 19, 2016
  51. Finding the Source of the Pioneer Anomaly, Viktor T. Toth and Slava G. Turyshev, IEEE Spectrum, December 2012 (cover story)
  52. Study of the Pioneer Anomaly: A scientific detective story, Viktor T. Toth, arXiv:0903.0075 [], invited article in The Postgraduate Magazine 2007;1:24-30 (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne)